• Untitled post 1698
    10 Min read

    Spare engine leasing sector has “room to grow” – A contribution by Tom Barrett to Orient Aviation http://www.orientaviation.com/articles/8145/spare-engine-leasing-sector-has-%E2%80%9Croom-to-grow%E2%80%9 Customer engagement […]

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  • ELF CEO: Leased engine demand picks up, but Omicron knocks industry confidence – A contribution by Tom Barrett with Eduardo Mariz/Ishka Insights
    10 Min read

    ELF CEO: Leased engine demand picks up, but Omicron knocks industry confidence – A contribution by Tom Barrett with Eduardo Mariz/Ishka Insights

    ELF CEO: Leased engine demand picks up, but Omicron knocks industry confidence – A contribution by Tom Barrett with Eduardo […]

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  • Engine Lease Finance Corporation (“ELF”) announce the purchase and lease back of twenty-five Pratt & Whitney GTF™ engines
    2 Min read

    Engine Lease Finance Corporation (“ELF”) announce the purchase and lease back of twenty-five Pratt & Whitney GTF™ engines

    Engine Lease Finance (“ELF”) announced today the purchase and lease back of twenty-five Pratt & Whitney GTF™ engines 15-Nov-2021 The […]

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  • Covid-19 Crisis effect on ELF Strategies – An Article by Tom Barrett for Airfinance Journal Engines Guide 2021
    36 Min read

    Covid-19 Crisis effect on ELF Strategies – An Article by Tom Barrett for Airfinance Journal Engines Guide 2021

    Covid-19 Crisis effect on ELF Strategies – An Article by Tom Barrett for Airfinance Journal Engines Guide 2021. The independent […]

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  • Engine Lease Finance’s Joe O’Brien To Retire
    1 Min read

    Engine Lease Finance’s Joe O’Brien To Retire

    Engine Lease Finance’s Joe O’Brien To Retire https://www.aviationnews-online.com/people/engine-lease-finances-joe-obrien-to-retire/ November 2020 – An Article released by Airline Economics Joe O’Brien, the […]

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  • Optimism ahead – but for the “good” asset managers – An interview with Tom Barrett by Laura Tompson/Ishka Insights
    13 Min read

    Optimism ahead – but for the “good” asset managers – An interview with Tom Barrett by Laura Tompson/Ishka Insights

    ELF CEO: Optimism ahead – but for the “good” asset managers – An interview with Tom Barrett by Laura Tompson/Ishka […]

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  • Will There Be Independent Engine Lessors in 2049?
    20 Min read

    Will There Be Independent Engine Lessors in 2049?

    Will There Be Independent Engine Lessors in 2049? Tom Barrett’s Article for The Airfinance Journal’s Special Supplement – Guide to […]

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